Friday 23 January 2009

How to Protect USB/Pendrive from virus

How to Protect USB/Pendrive from virus
Very Often it happens when you find out that your USB/Pendrive is infected with virus/malware
and also you dont have any idea how did it get into it?...... So did anyone of your friends borrowed the same from you (for any reason) or did u used it on some others computer....there may be many reasons for this kind of viral/malware infection.....Here i am dealing specifacally with autorun.inf related stuff.
Though I am not an expert on virus disinfectionation but here is simple trick which u can apply for your Pendrives , USB Disks, Media cards ,Other Portable media.
Shortest Method:
Download this file (Here) and Place it in your Pendrive/USBDrive and execute this from Command prompt ...... also View this picture for better understanding ! Also read this !
Long Method (Exlained)
  • Insert your Pendrive/USB Disk to any USB port of your PC/Laptop
  • Double click "My Computer" icon ,Make sure pendrive appears there.
  • now go to
Start--->run--->type cmd--->type cd\--->type E:
(just replace E : with your pendrive letter.....Here i am assuming E: is your pendrive letter , you can find the letter by opening "My Computer" and all the drives are listed there)
  • type E:>dir /a <---- This will list all files present in E drive.
  • type this E:\>edit autorun.inf ---->Blue screen will appear---> press Alt-->press Down arrow------->press x--->when asked to save click "yes" ---> you will return to dos window.
  • now again type E:\>dir/a <--- you will now see autorun.inf file too.
  • type E:\>attrib +H +S +R autorun.inf (changes file attributes to Hidden,System file,Readonly)
  • Now you can Close Command prompt window and Remove you USB drive safely.

Happy Pendriving..... Team

Alternatively you can watch the Upcoming video on this Tutorial.
Sometimes we need to delete some files but those files are locked by stray/genuine processes which if unlocked can be deleted easily ....
for this Download this file Unlocker
or much better if you visit this link first


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