Thursday 29 January 2009

How to You can become the Best in Counter Strike 1.6 !

How to be the Best in Counter Strike 1.6 !

First Thing first:

  • Buy Original Steam Counter Strike because unless you dont play with top players in your game you will not learn anything new and top players in the world always play on genuine servers because it gives them no lag , stable play and real feeling of being a true cs 1.6 player. More over Steam Counter Strike doesn't cost too much only $10 i thinks its pretty much affordable.
  • Get a gaming mouse (i use RazerCopperHead, adjust mouse settings as well)
  • Get a good set of headphones (use at least 5.1 Channel Razer Gaming headset)
  • Never ever use HACKS/HACK SCRIPTS , because that is only going to harm your skills.
  • By a study it is being found out that you aim better using left hand , no-no i dont me you have to hold mouse in left hand but hand remaining right while in game just press H key on keyboard and change hand to left in the options so given . :P

Blind fold Practice in CounterStrike 1.6 (practice against bots )

This is no joke for serious gamers...Like you !

for two main reasons.....i would recommend you this excercise:

  • Your ear reflexs will become more sharp...and hence your Headshots.
  • You Eyes will not be harmed while u dont stare the screen continuesly.

CS1.6 Players should :

  • Play slow and steady, Use fast analytical thinking while you make decisions(rushing is not the best solution,most of the times)
  • Point your CrossHair at the enemy's head rather than Body/Chest.
  • Stay calm while you shoot (Dont spray bullets here and there).
  • Mug up/Remember the distance(or height of your gun from ground, coz every character in CounterStrike 1.6 has same height and once you get the best idea of head placement, which most of the tiimes remains constant) you will get the head shot without much difficulty.
  • Always shoot M4a1 or AK47 close to left ear of enemy and it will get you stright HeadShot because the recoil impact of these guns is from left to right (diagonally).
  • Walk/Run as random as possible and avoid walking/running predetermined paths.
  • Avoid camping on predetermined places.
  • -|- <----- this is a green crosshair , point the top most(North) section of crosshair near your enemy's left ear and fire shots briefly2-3, Doesnt matter how far he will get this practicing more
  • Last but not he least .....practice as much as you can... :-)

More come to on this ..... Team


Monday 26 January 2009

Counter-Strike Britney Spears Camper One more Time

This is the Famous CounterStrike Track
Counter-Strike Britney Spears Camper One More

Information: The song is based on the famous Britney Spears "Hit me baby one more time"

and it is important to note that this "Kill me Camper One more time" is not originally sung by Britney Spears but some other person...

Download CS 1.6 Britney Spears Kill me Camper One More Time


More to Come....
So Do you like it ?

Sunday 25 January 2009


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Unable To Update: Renamed Hldsupdatetool.exe But The File Is Still there ....HLDS Update issue / Cannot use Hldsupdatetool.exe !

HLDS Update issue / Cannot use Hldsupdatetool.exe !

Recently someone asked me that he cannot use hldsupdatetool.exe as he is getting following error, show below

While running the "hldsupdatetool.exe" file have you ever gotten this error message:

This can be fixed like ...

1) Run "hldsupdatetool.exe" via command prompt, 2 files should be created in the directory; "hldsupdatetoolNew" and "hldsupdatetoolTmp".

2) Rename "hldsupdatetoolNew.exe" ---> "hldsupdatetoolX.exe" (replace X with whatever you like)

3) Run "hldsupdatetoolX.exe" via command prompt, it should now update "hldsupdatetool.exe" with the latest version of the update tool.

We get this error because in Windows you cannot update a file which is in use....(similarly like you cannot eject safely a Pendrive/USB disk which is currently in use.) so when we use hldsupdatetoolX.exe,it updates hldsupdatetool.exe (coz its inner coding tells to update Hldsupdatetool.exe not HldsupdatetoolX.exe) , which is what we want.
Hence Mission Accomplished. Team


Friday 23 January 2009

How to Protect USB/Pendrive from virus

How to Protect USB/Pendrive from virus
Very Often it happens when you find out that your USB/Pendrive is infected with virus/malware
and also you dont have any idea how did it get into it?...... So did anyone of your friends borrowed the same from you (for any reason) or did u used it on some others computer....there may be many reasons for this kind of viral/malware infection.....Here i am dealing specifacally with autorun.inf related stuff.
Though I am not an expert on virus disinfectionation but here is simple trick which u can apply for your Pendrives , USB Disks, Media cards ,Other Portable media.
Shortest Method:
Download this file (Here) and Place it in your Pendrive/USBDrive and execute this from Command prompt ...... also View this picture for better understanding ! Also read this !
Long Method (Exlained)
  • Insert your Pendrive/USB Disk to any USB port of your PC/Laptop
  • Double click "My Computer" icon ,Make sure pendrive appears there.
  • now go to
Start--->run--->type cmd--->type cd\--->type E:
(just replace E : with your pendrive letter.....Here i am assuming E: is your pendrive letter , you can find the letter by opening "My Computer" and all the drives are listed there)
  • type E:>dir /a <---- This will list all files present in E drive.
  • type this E:\>edit autorun.inf ---->Blue screen will appear---> press Alt-->press Down arrow------->press x--->when asked to save click "yes" ---> you will return to dos window.
  • now again type E:\>dir/a <--- you will now see autorun.inf file too.
  • type E:\>attrib +H +S +R autorun.inf (changes file attributes to Hidden,System file,Readonly)
  • Now you can Close Command prompt window and Remove you USB drive safely.

Happy Pendriving..... Team

Alternatively you can watch the Upcoming video on this Tutorial.
Sometimes we need to delete some files but those files are locked by stray/genuine processes which if unlocked can be deleted easily ....
for this Download this file Unlocker
or much better if you visit this link first

AMX MODX Plugins for CounterStrike 1.6

How to Install AMX MODX for CounterStrike 1.6

Click To Download

or you can watch this High Quality video (in Full Screen)

or follow the steps below.

How to Install AMX MODX for CounterStrike 1.6

  • Download AmX ModX from Here

  • After Download is Complete ! Install it like any other program you usually do...
  • When AMX MODX is launched, select the Mod Directory installation
  • Specify the Mod from dropdown list as Counterstrike 1.6
  • Browse through the HLDS server installtion location and select "cstrike" folder
  • Then click next
  • The two bars will start racing ....when it is finish.
  • Delete these three files from installation directory ClientRegistry.blob , InstallRecord.blob , HLDSupdatetool_35.mst...after this delete custom.hpk from cstrike folder.

Now You run your Server with Amx ModX Installed.

:-) Team


Sunday 18 January 2009

How to make CounterStrike1.6 Server Listed/Visible to Others

How to make CounterStrike1.6 Server Listed/Visible to Others

This is a common problem among new administrators whose CS1.6 server aka HLDS doesn't show up in the Server List.

Download the file here or Mirror 1 or Mirror2 or Mirror3 and extract them to your HLDS folder (i.e. folder above cstrike)

There is also an server.cfg file inside for you to give an idea how your server.cfg should look like. You may choose the same server.cfg so provided.

But dont forget to change the values of:



fps_max 600

This issue can be easily resolved by adding few lines in your server.cfg file:

  • Add these lines to server.cfg file, located in cstrike/ folder

setmaster add
setmaster add
setmaster add
setmaster add
setmaster add
setmaster add
setmaster add
setmaster add
setmaster add
setmaster add
setmaster add
setmaster add
setmaster add
setmaster add

setmaster enable

  • Start HLDS.exe
  • Ask someone if the server is getting listed or not !
Please Note: if you have then u r clients may not be able to connect to your server So it is must to provide IP (not domain name)

Happy Server operating !

If u have any queries/Suggestions/complaints post here only !

More to come on this issue ..... look here tommorow !

To resolve u r queries futher plz provide as much detals as possible !



Note:This Tutorial doesnot support SQL implementation and HUD cluttered display.
So please navigate to your cstrike/addons/amxmodx/configs
and open plugins.ini
Comment the following plugins by putting ; before there name like shown below
admin_sql.amxx ---------> ; admin_sql.amxx
telemenu.amxx ---------> ;telemenu.amxx
scrollmsg.amxx ---------> ;scrollmsg.amxx
imessage.amxx ---------> ;imessage.amxx
miscstats.amxx ---------> ;miscstats.amxx
stats_logging.amxx --------> ;stats_logging.amxx

Now save the file and close it.


From here


  • just unzip into your 'cstrike' directory
  • Add this line to your plugins.ini file:
amx_match_deluxe.amxx ; Amx Match Deluxe
  • Start hlds
otherwise -
Copy 'amx_match_deluxe.amxx' to your plugins directory
Add this line to your plugins.ini file:
amx_match_deluxe.amxx ; AMX Match Deluxe
  • Copy the 'amxmd' folder to your "addons/amxmodx/configs/" folder
  • Copy amx_match_deluxe.txt to your "addons/amxmodx/data/lang" folder
  • Copy the 'data/match_stats' folder to your "addons/amxmodx/data" folder
  • Enable the correct modules in the modules.ini file (meaning DBI, Regex, and Sockets with the compiled plugin included in the zip file)
  • Start hlds


Counter Strike 1.6 and Maps ! Loads of Them...

Wanna download Counterstrike 1.6 maps with ease.....

here are the links


More to Come ....
CounterStrike SETUPs

  • CounterStrike1.6 Setup

  • Protocol Patch for v47 and v48

  • CS1.6 Universal Patch

2. CounterStrike Source (High Graphics CounterStrike )

  • CSS Setup

  • CSS patch v16

  • CSS Patch v17

Download Them before they are removed by their administrators.

Desclaimer:None of the files listed are hosted on this site server. These links are only indexed.

AMX MATCH Plugin and Commands Tutorial

So.. you are probably reading this to have a clan match with your mates !

Alright !

if you are impatient to get started here is the flow chart

Flow Chart of event execution of AMX CLAN MATCH MODULE

Warmup round
Teams declare ready
knife Round for Toss/ Team selection
Teams Selected
Atleast one player in each team types /ready
Clan Match begins
3 Restarts
Live...Live..Live.. Displayed (no more restarts)
After 1 st half
Teams Automatically Swapped (don't do it manually)
Atleast one player in each team types /ready
2nd Half begins
Live...Live...Live displayed
End of 2nd half
Result displayed
Match Ends


Type in google w/o inverted commas


or click here

1. Download from any of the listed links.


2. Read the instructions in zip for installing the same into u r addons/amxmodx directory.

just in case if the instructions are not there, follow these:

Installation :
- Extract the zip file anywhere (preferable Desktop, & use Winrar software to extract).
- go to addons folder which was formed after extraction ---> go to amx folder-->then plugins folder
- copy amx_match_deluxe.amx to the plugin directory of u r CS1.6 installation e.g. cstrike/addons/amxmodx/plugins
- similarly copy "leagues" folder to the plugins directory of u r CS1.6 installation e.g.
-Copy amx_match_deluxe.sma to cstrike/addons/amxmodx/scripting/
- Open addons/amx/plugins/plugins.ini , located in cstrike/addons/amxmodx/plugins
- Add a line containing : amx_match_deluxe.amx in the end of file.

Tip : Open amx_match_deluxe.sma with any text editor like notepad or wordpad and u will see good information which u can use in your console !

3. Run the server i.e. HLDS (in taskmager give HLDS.exe highest priority to make it less laggy)

Important Commands

To Start clan match ---> amx_match CT_Tag T_Tag mr4 ecup

amx_match: plugin name
CT_Tag : put ant name for CT tag
T_Tag :put any name for T Tag
mr4 : 4 match rounds per half of the Clan Match
i.e. 4 matches for 1st Half
& 4 matches for 2nd Half
ecup : configuration file name.

To Stop clan match -----> amx_matchstop

Please note: when Clan match is started various plugins like stats etc, are auto disabled.

Understanding the clan match
It is a common confusion among first time clan match players while using this MOD.

So here it is :
We know that a Clan match has two halves , for each half of the match teams are allowed to play equal rounds . After 1st half teams are swapped (interchanged) either to CounterTerrorists or Terrorists and Finally result is Displayed (in Colour) in the mid screen of the game.

0. WarmUp Round: This is the time given to make u familier with opponents and their skillz, you can test u r self against them or your mates.

HUD will clearly display Warmup Round (at this time Match has not started yet)

1.Get Ready:At first at least one member of each team must press Y key and type /ready to make their team ready to play clan match.

HUD will clearly display message similar to "Waiting for X team to get ready"

2#.Team Selection:After both teams are ready there will be a knife round to decide the Team (whether u wanna be CT or T)
After teams are selected
Warmup round begins and

at this point if atleast one member of each team types /ready , the whole team becomes ready to play clan.

After this there will be Three Restarts

and then in the middle of your screen i.e. HUD will display LIVE...LIVE...LIVE

This is when the first half of the round is started and you are ready do roll....

When the First half is completed you are automatically swapped

Hud Display:
Switching you to the CT/T...Please dont change your team.

warmup starts ----->atleast one player types /ready---->when both teams are ready--->3 restarts--->HUD displays LIVE...LIVE...LIVE--->proceed according to your team strategy.

Finally when last round is finished
HUD Display
X won by ...against Y.

where X =CT team tag.
Y= T team tag.

The Clan match is now concluded.

Now u can play normally ...... like

Your comments are the most vauable gift that i can get from you.....


Happy Fragging.... :-)


Saturday 17 January 2009

Sort Programs Menu Alphabetically in XP

You Need to edit Registry (with caution) to get this working correctly.
Must Follow Precautions : You must back your registry up before committing any changes to it ! and save it in your pendrive/portable hardisk.


1. Go to Start--->run--->type regedit-----> click in order


2. Right click MenuOrder in the left pane----> click Delete----> click Yes to delete MenuOrder.

3.To show Sorted Menu/Programs

a)press Ctrl+Shift+Esc keys together to bring up the Task manager

b)In Task manager---->In Processes tab click on Imagename,column to sort alphabetically--->press e to fast locate explorer.exe--->press delete key --->when u see nothing otherthan wallpaper --->again bring up Taskmanager---> click Applications tab--->click "New Task.." button--->type explorer.exe--->hit Enter (i.e return key)--->see if the Menus/Programs list is sorted now otherwise YOU SHOULD REBOOT THE PC .

Must Read Steps Below

Follow these steps (better if both are performed) below to backup your registry keys.
1.Entire Registry Backup: press Start---->Run---->type system32----> find regedt32.exe ---->copy it to your pendrive or any other Hard Disk partition of your computer.

2.Specific Registry keys: press Start---->Run--->type regedit-->Navigate to the key you want to change ---->right Click on it ---->Select Export---->Select the desired location to save the key.

Disclaimer:No one other than you shall be responsible for any kind of system boot failure/disorder/malfunction caused after reading this article.


Thursday 15 January 2009

FireFox KeyBoard Shortcuts !

These are the Most Wanted Firefox keyboard Shortcuts !

This is a list of keyboard shortcuts in Mozilla Firefox.

Back Alt+Left Arrow
ForwardAlt+Right Arrow
Open FileCtrl+O
Ctrl +R
Reload (override cache)Ctrl+F5
Current Page
Go to Bottom of PageEnd
Go to Top of PageHome
Move to Next FrameF6
Move to Previous FrameShift+F6
Page Info
Page SourceCtrl+U
Save Page AsCtrl+S
Zoom InCtrl++
Zoom OutCtrl+-
Zoom ResetCtrl+0
Select AllCtrl+A
Find AgainF3
Find As You Type Link'
Find As You Type Text/
Find PreviousShift+F3
Web SearchCtrl+K
Windows & Tabs
Close Tab Ctrl+W
Close WindowCtrl+Shift+W
Move Tab Left
(when tab is focused)
Ctrl+Left Arrow
Ctrl+Up Arrow
Move Tab Right
(when tab is focused)
Ctrl+Right Arrow
Ctrl+Down Arrow
Move Tab to Beginning
(when tab is focused)
Ctrl +Home
Move Tab to End
(when tab is focused)
New TabCtrl+T
New WindowCtrl+N
Next TabCtrl+Tab
Ctrl+Page Down
Open Address in New Tab
(from Location Bar or Search Bar)
Previous TabCtrl+Shift+Tab
Ctrl+Page Up
Undo Close TabCtrl+Shift+T
Select Tab (1 to 8)Ctrl+(1 to 8)
Select Last TabCtrl+9
Bookmark All TabsCtrl+Shift+D
Bookmark This PageCtrl+D
Caret BrowsingF7
Clear Private DataCtrl+Shift+Del
Error ConsoleCtrl+Shift+J
Complete .com AddressCtrl+Enter
Complete .net AddressShift+Enter
Complete .org AddressCtrl+Shift+Enter
Delete Selected Autocomplete EntryDel
Full ScreenF11
Select Location BarAlt+D
Select or Manage Search Engines
(when Search Bar is focused)
Alt+Up Arrow
Alt+Down Arrow

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