Tuesday 27 September 2011

Counter Strike Frag Book

Every CS Player Wants to be a professional in what does, he buys new computer periferals that includes
high end headphones, Big TFT screen, good gaming mice , gamers keyboard and other stuff
but most of us dont realise the importance of reading this frag book which is written by most honoured Counter Strike Pro Players keeping in mind the very best out come of the player who reads
it. So if you're the one who's wants to thrive upon the experiance of other pro players. Read it.

Read this Ebook, and surely you won't be disappointed in anyway.

                                                    By The Pro Players, for the Pro Players

How to Reduce Lag on Counter Strike1.6 Server !

*updated Version

Lag has always been a major issue for CS1.6 players !
Many people are obssessed to make their server over crowded without realisng the upload capacity of their server........At this point the server starts to lag.
Players capacity sholud always be in accordance with the Upload capacity of the internet connection.

Assumptions : 
1. You are using Windows XP
2. You have atleast 512 Kbps upload speed .
  • Change HLDS.exe/Server priority to Highest in Task Manager (use ctrl+shift+Esc for taskamanger).
Explaination:Start the server, press CTRl + Alt + Del, click Processes, find hlds.exe in the list, and right click on it, Set Priority - Realtime.

  • Use HLDS in console mode
Explaination : Go o the hlds.exe folder (from where you have opened the server),make a shortcut to the hlds.exe, then you will find in the same folder another file "Shortcut to hlds". Right click on this one, press Proprieties, and in the first row you have Target, and there yo have something like HDD:\location\hlds.exe .
Now simply add -console -game cstrike +sys_ticrate 1000 +heapsize 250000 +maxplayers 20 +map de_dust2
You should change the value of +maxplayers only.
Note: I Personally don't recommend pingboost of anykind....coz by general observation you may find more laggy than usual.
  • Delete all temporary files ( start-->run-->type temp) and temporary internet files.
  • Fix your Winsock fror default internet connection speed. (download and install this )
  • Kill other unnecessary running processes, in task manager.
  • Donot play counterstrike1.6 using same directory in which your server/HLDS is running.
  • Close all internet consuming applications (opera,firefox,IE7,downloaders,bittorrent softs.)
  • Disable automatic updates (Start---> Run--->type-->net stop "automatic updates" ).
  • Defragment your server/HLDS drive.
  • Run disk clean up for all drives. (Best is to make separate partition for CS1.6 HLDS server , as it will dramatically reduce searching and sorting time).
  • You must Remove custom.hpk file from cstrike directory.
  • Use may use these codes below and paste in server.cfg, file in cstrike folder:
alias "dslow" "sv_minrate 2500;sv_maxrate 2500;sv_minupdaterate 5;sv_maxupdaterate 5;echo dead slow"
alias "vslow" "sv_minrate 3500;sv_maxrate 3500;sv_minupdaterate 13;sv_maxupdaterate 13;echo very slow"
alias "slow" "sv_minrate 3500;sv_maxrate 5000;sv_minupdaterate 14;sv_maxupdaterate 14;echo slow"
alias "norm" "sv_minrate 3500;sv_maxrate 7500;sv_minupdaterate 15;sv_maxupdaterate 15;echo normal"
alias "fast" "sv_minrate 3500;sv_maxrate 9999;sv_minupdaterate 20;sv_maxupdaterate 20;echo fast"
alias "vfast" "sv_minrate 3500;sv_maxrate 20000;sv_minupdaterate 20;sv_maxupdaterate 60;echo LAN fast"
alias "rates" "sv_minrate;sv_maxrate;sv_minupdaterate;sv_maxupda terate"
Add the file server.cfg to the script, in the cstrike folder where you have installed the server.
Usage: After you have started the server, write in the console what setting you want, considering the type of internet connexion you have, and also considering the type of computer that you keep the server on. For exemple, if you have a server on lan, write in the console vfast, or if you have a server where you have players in the same network you can use fast or norm. You can acces this script by "rcon" considering the variation of the lag on the server. you should not have any setting about the rate in server.cfg, listenserver.cfg, game.cfg, settings.cfg, amx.cfg etc.How to reduce the lag on the Counter Strike 1.6 server
  • Add all of these lines to server.cfg ,file in cstrike folder :
    log off
    sv_logbans 0
    sv_logecho 0
    sv_logfile 0
    sv_log_onefile 0
    mp_logmessages 0
    mp_logdetail 0
    sv_unlag 1
    sv_maxunlag .1
    fps_max 600
  • Select any one of code below and paste into server.cfg , file in cstrike directory.
    // Modem 56k //
    rate 5000
    sv_rate 5500
    sv_cmdrate 40
    sv_cmdbackup 2
    sv_updaterate 45
    mp_resend 2
    sv_dlmax 40
    mp_decals 50

    // 128k //
    rate 10000
    sv_rate 10000
    sv_cmdrate 60
    sv_cmdbackup 3
    mp_updaterate 60
    sv_resend 2
    sv_dlmax 100
    mp_decals 100

    // 256k //
    rate 12000
    sv_rate 12000
    sv_cmdrate 101
    sv_cmdbackup 4
    sv_updaterate 101
    sv_resend 3
    mp_dlmax 256
    mp_decals 100

    // 512k //
    rate 15000
    sv_rate 15000
    sv_cmdrate 80
    sv_cmdbackup 4
    mp_updaterate 45
    sv_resend 3
    mp_dlmax 400
    mp_decals 100

    // 1024k //
    rate 20000
    sv_rate 20000
    sv_cmdrate 80
    sv_cmdbackup 6
    mp_updaterate 80
    sv_resend 6
    mp_dlmax 800
    mp_decals 300

    // 2048K //
    rate 25000
    sv_rate 25000
    sv_cmdrate 101
    sv_cmdbackup 6
    sv_updaterate 101
    sv_resend 6

    // DSL High //
    rate "12001.000521"
    sv_rate "9999"
    sv_latency "-21.000521"
    sv_updaterate "160"
    sv_cmdrate "40"
    mp_resend "2"
    mp_cmdbackup "2"
    sv_dlmax "768"
    ex_interp "0.01"
    ex_extrapmax "10"

    // DSL Low //
    rate "9001.000521"
    sv_rate "9999"
    mp_latency "-51.000521"
    mp_updaterate "67"
    sv_cmdrate "40"
    sv_resend "2.5"
    mp_cmdbackup "51"
    mp_dlmax "512"
    ex_interp "0.05"
    ex_extrapmax "4"
    cl_dlmax 800
    mp_decals 300

    // qDSL //
    rate "15001.000521"
    cl_rate "9999"
    cl_latency "-16.000521"
    cl_updaterate "101"
    cl_cmdrate "400"
    cl_resend "1.5"
    cl_cmdbackup "2"
    cl_dlmax "1024"
    ex_interp "0.01"
    ex_extrapmax "10"

  • Note :You must not put all but only one code which suits you best.
  • If possible get a better Internet Connection having upload speed (atleast 1024Kbps).
Below are the Guru Mantra Articles on this same issue ... A Must read for every CS 1.6 Player

Counterstriketutes.blogspot.com Team


How to Do Bunny Hop in Counter Strike

How to Do Bunny Hop in Counter Strike !
  • Move forward by pressing "W" key for initial momentum.
  • now Unpress/RELEASE the 'w' key press the strafe key (D or A) and move your mouse in the direction of the strafe (ie: if 'A' move mouse left in a little arc or if 'D' move mouse right by say 30 degrees) + JUMP (spacebar)
  • This will cause a forward curved jump , in the left or right direction( Now on you must not use W key to move forward).
  • When your just about to land after the first jump, hit the opposite strafe key and curve your mouse in the same direction of your strafe and hit jump EXACTLY when you land after the first jump. Doing this a little too early or little too late will cut the bunny hop
  • IF You got the timing and mouse movement (synchronised)right you will quickly move forward faster, and you will need to repeat Steps 2 to 4 repeatedly.
  • Watch the video below to make thing more clear.

Script method

  • Download Bunnyhop.cfg and place it inside "cstrike" folder of your conterstrike installtion location.
  • run your game , open console window, type "exec hop.cfg"
  • use mouse scroll wheel to do bunny hop.
  • Create a new file hop.cfg inside HDD:\HLDS\cstrike folder (e.g. D:\cs\cstrike)
HDD ----> drive in which you have installed counterstrike
HLDS ----> name of your installation drictory
cstrike ----> this folder is where your all maps,sounds etc resides.
  • Add these lines (shown below) into it
bind "mouse3" "+hop"
alias -hop "alias _special"
alias +hop "alias _special @hop;@hop"
alias @hop "special;wait;+jump;wait;-jump"

Note:generally mouse3 is the scrollwheel (middle button) of your mouse , alternatively you can also use "mouse4" inplace of "mouse3" if you have more buttons on you mouse , like i have Razer Copperhead.
  • open config.cfg in notepad (located in HDD:\HLDS\cstrike folder) and in the end of file add this line (shown below):
exec hop.cfg
  • Now start your hl.exe i.e counterstrike game, hop.cfg will be executed at every game start.
  • While you play just rotate scrollwheel (middle button) to perform bunny hop , also change your mouse direction at the same time.
Happy Bunny Hopping !
Please comment !
CounterStriketutes.blogspot.com Team


Sunday 25 September 2011

Counter Strike Plugins 2011 [ AWSOME ]

Counter Strike AMX MODX Plugins Repository:

Instructions: Click the Link to download the file:

1) AMX MODX MEGA PLUGIN PACK: [ Contains 600+ Plugins]
Info: Ultra huge List of 600+ Plugins, you name it we have it :P


2) Announcements / Message Plugins: [ Contains 14+ Plugins ]


3) Commands, Rules , Principles Plugins: [ Contains  20+ Plugins]


4) Configurations  Files: [ Contains 3 Files ]


5)  Fun Plugins: [ Contains 200+ Plugins]
    Info: Fun packed plugins , brings new dimentions to your counter strike game play.


6) AMX MODX MATCH Plugins: [ Contains 3 Files ]


7)  Counter Strike MODs: [ Contains 50+ Files ]
  Info:MODify/Customise the look and feel of your default Counter Strike Setup with these MODs ,

8) MUSIC Plugins: [Contains 15+ Music/Songs related Plugins]
 Info:Everybody Loves Music and its better if you could use it while you play counter strike


9) Pirate Plugins: [ Contains 15+ Files ]
    Info:Discreet Plugins of Counter Strike )



10) Torture/Punishment Plugins: [ Contains 30+ Plugins ]


11) Utility Plugins:  [ Contains 70+ Plugins ]


12) Weapon Restriction and Control Plugins: [ Contains  60+ Plugins ]

Counter Strike Skins

Counter Strike  Skins, Weapons, Players, Models CS 1.6

Wine Bottle Skin.zip 
HoT Chick Skin.zip 
BackPack Skin.zip
BIG Tree.zip 
                                                                                                                   Counter strike skins image

counter strike skins

Are you bored of default cs 1.6 skins ? Those weapons & players,do you want them to look better & different for better counter strike look?
If yes then you have come at right place.

Both Pics Looks cool ? Read it on

So What exactly we are trying to do ....?

We  are changing the default looks of weapon (M4A1 in this case) called as Counter Strike Skins change.
  • Left Corner Pic is by default skin of m4a1.
  • Right Corner Pic is modified skin of m4a1.
This is called Counter strike Skins change .
Similarly we can change the skin of  other Weapons, and player models ....too.

                                       For WEAPONS SKINS

1) When you download Counter strike skins package ,you will get a .zip or .rar file
2) you need winrar to extract it. get it here
3) After you extract it. If u get a folders like cstrike\models\xxxxx.mdl
  Copy those .mdl files and paste in "C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\steam_username\counter-strike\cstrike\models\"
4) If you just get .mdl files then do same
  where C is partition where steam is installed and 'Steam_username' is your steamID
  Press Yes to All when it ask to replace
5) If u are using non steam
  Then you should paste .mdl files in "C:\Program Files\Valve\cstrike\models\" & replace existing one's

                                  For Counter Strike skins PLAYER SKINS ( MODELS)

1) Extract the .zip or .rar file
2) Either you will get a folders like cstrike\models\player\leet\leet.mdl
3) Or just leet.mdl (leet.mdl is just example,it can be guerilla.mdl depending on what type of skin it is)
4) copy/paste that .mdl file as in case of installing weapons skins but paste it in cstrike\models\player\\
  For eg. if the skins file you get is guerilla.mdl , paste it in cstrike\models\player\guerilla\
5) There is no step 5 this time :P , start game and enjoy

Keep on vising for new and  better counter strike skins :)

                                                   Counter Strike Skins Weapons

Counter strike skins pic

CounterStrikeTutes.blogspot.com Team

Friday 23 September 2011

Counter Strike 1.8 2011 Goiceasoft Download Counter Strike baixar

Counter Strike 1.8 2011 Goiceasoft 
Just have a Look at this guys.... Read On..!
Counter-Strike (CS) is one of the most popular games in the world.
Its multiplayer mode offers the entire staff action in a virtual environment. There are two teams (terrorists and anti-terrorist), each with arms and different goals, each of which has specific abilities should be fully to impose any challenge to the enemy team.

Rescuing hostages or placing bombs in key locations, or only counter-attacking the enemy, Counter-Strike promises hours of entertainment online.
Counter-Strike is one of the major responsible for the popularization of network games and LAN Houses across the planet, coming to be regarded as an electronic sport.
In this new version 1.8 launched by � Goiceasoft Studios, he brings some changes, but continues with the same general features of version 1.6, can add maps, weapons etc.. Besides you can play online on servers available. There are almost 300 maps of much action and adrenaline. In CS 1.8 have been modified weapons and characters, and improved graphics. The whole game is working perfectly. If you�d rather not play online can add boots. The game has a simple interface and quick to install. Have fun!

Minimum Requirements

Processor: Pentium III 500 MHz or equivalent Athlon
RAM: 256 MB of memory
Video: 64 MB
DirectX: 9.0c
Disk space: 1 GB free disk
Operating System: XP / Vista
CD-ROM: 24x

Recommended Requirements

Processor: Pentium IV, AMD
RAM: 512 MB of memory
Video: 128 MB
DirectX: 9.0c
Other: Sound Card compatible with Windows
Operating System: XP / Vista
CD-ROM: 24x

Video Watch
(I dont know if its true.. but just watch ...it) 

 Download Counter Strike 1.8

Part 1

CounterStrikeTutes.blogspot.com Team

Tuesday 20 September 2011

How to Add/Install Bots in Counter Strike / CS 1.6 Server

How to Add/Install Bots in Counter Strike / CS 1.6 Server 2011

Now that you know how to create Counterstrike Server but also want bots to play with your mates.

Note: You Must have AMX MODX installed in your Counter Strike Server Directory .....
or Read here How to install AMX MODX READ ME


This is how you should add bots ..
  • Download the PODBOT  and JOEBOT files on Desktop
  • extract them separatly (preferably on desktop)
  • copy the podbot to your Server\cstrike\addons   directory
  • copy the joebot folder in cstrike folder of your server
  • Open Server\cstrike\addons\metamod\plugins.ini  in notepad  and add this line in end
Win32 joebot\joebot_mm.dll

  • Now run your Server (i.e. hlds.exe)
The above procedure described works specifically for cs 1.6 that is counter strike 1.6 version... though it should work well with other versions too..!

Was it easy for you ? .. let me know !


Friday 16 September 2011

CounterStrike 1.6 AMX MODX Plugins

CounterStrike 1.6 AMX MODX Plugins 2011 -2012

Here you will get All the AMX MODX Complaint plugins....
Link below will show you the thousands of Plugin for CounterStrike 1.6 Server..

                                  If you like them Please dont forget to comment on it 

1) AMX MODX MEGA PLUGIN PACK: [ Contains 600+ Plugins]
Info: Ultra huge List of 600+ Plugins, you name it we have it :P

2) Announcements / Message Plugins: [ Contains 14+ Plugins ]

3) Commands, Rules , Principles Plugins: [ Contains  20+ Plugins]

4) Configurations  Files: [ Contains 3 Files ]


5)  Fun Plugins: [ Contains 200+ Plugins]
    Info: Fun packed plugins , brings new dimension to your counter strike game play.

6) AMX MODX MATCH Plugins: [ Contains 3 Files ]

7)  Counter Strike MODs: [ Contains 50+ Files ]
  Info:MODify/Customise the look and feel of your default Counter Strike Setup with these MODs ,


8) MUSIC Plugins: [Contains 15+ Music/Songs related Plugins]
 Info:Everybody Loves Music and its better if you could use it while you play counter strike

9) Pirate Plugins: [ Contains 15+ Files ]
    Info:Discreet Plugins of Counter Strike )



10) Torture/Punishment Plugins: [ Contains 30+ Plugins ]

11) Utility Plugins:  [ Contains 70+ Plugins ]

12) Weapon Restriction and Control Plugins: [ Contains  60+ Plugins ]

CounterStrikeTutes.Blogspot.com Team

Saturday 10 September 2011

Wednesday 7 September 2011

AMX MODX COMMANDS Counter Strike 2011

For all you AMX MODDED Server Operators .....
Here are the Most Complete List of AMX Commands ....nJoy...!

Admin CommandsDescription
amx_kick <name or #userid> [reason]Kicks a player from the server.
amx_ban <name or #userid> [reason]Bans a player from the server.
amx_addban <authid or ip> <minutes> [reason]Adds a ban to the server ban list.
amx_unban <authid or ip>Unbans a player from the server.
amx_slay <name or #userid>Slays a player.
amx_slap <name or #userid> [damage]Slaps a player for variable damage.
amx_leave <tag> [tag1] [tag2] Kick all players not wearing one of the tags.
amx_pausePauses or unpauses the game.
amx_whoDisplays who is on the server.
amx_cvar <cvar> [value]Changes or displays a cvar value.
amx_map <mapname>Changes the map.
amx_cfg <filename>Executes a server side config file.
amx_rcon <rcon command>Executes a command on the server console.
amx_pluginsLists all loaded plugins.
amx_modulesLists all loaded modules.

amx_say <message>Sends a message to all players in normal chat.
amx_chat <message>Sends a message to all players in normal chat.
amx_psay <name or #userid> messageSends a private message to a player.
amx_tsay <color> <message>Sends a left side HUD message to all players in various colors.
amx_csay <color> <message>Sends a center HUD message to all players in various

amx_votemap <map> [map] [map] [map]Kicks a player from the server.
amx_votekick <name or #userid>Starts a vote to kick a player.
amx_voteban <name or #userid> Starts a vote to ban a player.
amx_vote <question> <answer1> <answer2>Starts a custom poll.
amx_cancelvoteCancels the last poll in progress.

/hpDisplays information about the player that killed you.
/statsmeDisplays your stats.
/statsDisplays other players stats.
/top15Displays the top 15 players on the server.
/rankDisplays your rank on the server.

nextmapDisplays the next map in the maycycle.
timeleftDisplays the time left on the map.
thetimeDisplays the current time.

amxmodmenuDisplays the main AMX Mod X menu.
amx_cvarmenuDisplays the CVAR menu.
amx_mapmenuDisplays the map change menu.
amx_votemapmenuDisplays the map voting menu.
amx_kickmenuDisplays the kick menu.
amx_banmenuDisplays the ban menu.
amx_slapmenuDisplays the slap/slay menu.
amx_teammenuDisplays the team switch menu.
amx_clcmdmenuDisplays the client commands menu.
amx_restmenuDisplays the weapons restrictions menu.
amx_teleportmenuDisplays the teleport menu.
amx_pausecfgmenuPause/Unpause plungins with menu.
amx_statscfgmenuDisplays stats configurations menu.

Background Image ! How to Change Counter Strike 1.6 / Source / CZ

How to Change Counter Strike 1.6 Background Image

Here i'll show you the procedure to change background/main menu theme of counter strike

1) Download this TOOL 

2) Install it and run
3) Select your Language & then browse to hl.exe of your game & click Open
4) Select the game ie. Counter Strike 1.6 & click OK
5) Click on load picture & select the picture you want to put as background.
6) Then select the resolution you play cs at.
7) Click Make cs background.It will say that Background has been created.
8) Click Run cs & voila...there is your background.
Counterstriketutes.blogspot.com Team

Thursday 1 September 2011